Thursday, July 16, 2009

Just the facts, ma'am

I just discovered this post in draft format sitting in my dashboard, so I'm going to finish it and then hit "Post".


Wow, it's been a while since I wrote a real post here, huh? Hopefully you will understand my absence when I tell you that I've been living instead of writing about living? Hope so.

The 3-day training is going well after a few minor bumps in the road (like skipping about 2 weeks of training). I finished 7 and 6 mile walks this weekend, and I finished them strong. A little whining during and a little Advil afterward, but otherwise strong. There was a point during the 7 miler when I really felt horrible - tired and fed up - and then I looked to the side of the road and there was the brightest pink geranium plant I've ever seen, and I remembered why I signed up in the first place. That keeps happening to me...something comes along out of the blue and helps me adjust my perspective - thank you God.

Took my new bike out for its maiden voyage this weekend, too - fun. How can anything that involves a pink girly bike, complete with white basket and pink bell, NOT be fun? I'm still wobbling around a lot, but oh how fun it is to coast down a hill feeling the wind whipping my hair back. If you want to recapture a piece of your childhood, buy yourself a bike (not a serious bike, though...that's too much effort).

I will be picking up Alcott, the 18 year old joy of my life, later this afternoon and he will be spending the next four nights with us. Tomorrow morning, he will have to hitch a ride to SDSU with The Husband and that means his being ready to roll by like 5:45 at the latest. (Yes, I will produce video of the "getting ready" experience.)

My role at work has changed and I'm going to have my version of the "Dream Job" - words fail to express how happy I am. You know how people say that "when you love what you're doing you never work a day in your life"? Yeah, it's like that.

Life is good, people. Really, truly, and deeply good. And for those kind souls who sent supportive messages after my last (now deleted) post: thank you so much.


  1. I'm glad to hear things are going well for you, Denise :) Is Alcott going to school at SDSU in the fall?

  2. It's when (and I do mean when) you wipe out on your bike and skin your knee that you feel like you're 12 again!

  3. I am hoping that it is days and nights full of bliss that are keeping you from posting!

    Miss you!
