Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hello World!

Did you know that there are people who go door-t0-door selling vacuum cleaners? It's true, I promise you, and I know this because I experienced it first-hand this afternoon. I was preparing to pick the husband up at the airport when there was a knock on the door and there he was...a door-to-door salesman. About an hour later, he left without a sale and I rushed off to the airport. Still, it left me wondering if this is a common experience or if it's just because I live in Suburbia. Certainly there are a lot of people with more money than common sense out here, but I'd think even they would be watching their finances more closely given our country's current economic state. Anyway, tell me if you've experienced something similar, would you?

No walkies today, so we'll make up for it tomorrow when I take Mick out for a nice Easter walk in the neighborhood. The formal training program starts in two weeks, so I'm also going to try out a water exercise class at the Y this week...there's a "one week free" offer on now, so it seems opportune because I need to do two days a week of cross training and water exercise would be a gentle way to be active for 30-45 minutes at a time. We shall see.

Happy Easter to those that celebrate it and Happy Sunday to those that don't - do something joyful today!


  1. Happy Easter to you! Of course I would follow up here, I look forward to your updates!

  2. OK, I thought that the days of door-to-door selling of anything was long gone. Then where are the girl scouts? I want some cookies! I have to say that I have not experienced a door-to-door sell for many years, and the last time was a guy with encyclopedias - certainly those aren't sold anymore. Are they??
    Nice blog
    Deidre in MA (blogless)

  3. ok I'm stuck on the fact that the sales droid was in your house for AN HOUR!? And you were on the way to the airport? There is a really tasteless joke in there somewhere. ;-)
